• The Truth

    Goal setting and strategic planning are THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS you can do to build a SUCCESSFUL, SUSTAINABLE AND GROWING BUSINESS that enables you to live the life you dream.

  • The Secret

    You CAN craft an EFFECTIVE, GAME-CHANGING STRATEGIC PLAN—and it doesn’t take weeks of your time. It takes Jim Roman’s Strategic Planning Master Class. Spend more time living your life into the next year and beyond.

  • The Move-to-Action Plan™

    Jim Roman’s STRATEGIC PLANNING MASTER CLASS will teach you to think strategically and look at your business in a new way. You will also develop a Move-to-Action Plan™ that will accelerate the growth of your business.

What You’ll Learn

Check out this sneak peak of the first lesson!

What a Strategic Plan Is—And What It Isn’t

If you’ve ever tried to write a strategic plan only to lose interest in it, be overwhelmed by it or have it fail, it may be because you actually wrote a business plan, not a strategic plan focused on goal-setting. Jim will talk about the difference between business and strategic plans and how to structure your plan for success.

What Drives You—In Business and In Life

We only succeed when we’re motivated, so the first step in crafting a strategic plan is understanding what drives you. Jim and his team will help you uncover why you do what you do, where you want to be in business and in life and what you need your business to look like to achieve your goals.

How to Organize the Functions of Your Business

As a small business owner, you wear many hats; it’s easy to get overwhelmed because there’s so much you need to accomplish. Jim and his team will show you how to categorize all the tasks of your business into five functions so you can see how your goals are interconnected and how they build on each other.

How to Determine What Comes Next

You can’t tackle everything at once. How do you decide what’s most important? Jim and his team will reveal how your revenue is linked to the pain points of your business and how to use that information to determine what your next most important steps are.

How to Apply What You’ve Learned

The best strategic plan in the world won’t do you any good if it stays in your notebook once you’ve left Jim’s summit. Jim will finish up this Master Class with advice about taking the strategic plan you’ve created and making it a reality.

Build Your Plan Step by Step

Jim Roman will walk you through the process to

  • 02

    Chapter #1: Let's Jump In!

    • Download Lesson Guide: Getting Into Action Mindset

    • Video Lesson 2: Getting into an Action Mindset

    • Download Lesson Guide: This Guide in a Nutshell

    • Video Lesson 3: Jim's Story--Why I do What I Do

  • 03

    Chapter #2: The 9 Stages of Business "Ownership"

    • Download Lesson Guide: How Owned by Your Business Are You?

    • Video Lesson 4: How Owned by Your Business Are You?

  • 04

    Chapter #3: The 5 Drivers™ Why, Where and What

    • Video Lesson 5: The 5 Drivers™ to Building a Better Business Overview

    • Download Lesson Guide: The 5 Drivers™ Why

    • Video Lesson 6: The 5 Drivers™ WHY

    • Download Lesson Guide: The 5 Drivers™ Where

    • Video Lesson 7: The 5 Drivers™: Where

    • Download Lesson Guide: The 5 Drivers™ What

    • Video Lesson 8: The 5 Drivers™: What

  • 05

    Chapter #4: Your Biggest Challenge

    • Video Lesson 10: Your Biggest Challenge

    • Download Lesson Guide - Your Biggest Challenge

  • 06

    Chapter #5: The 5 Drivers™ Waypoints and When

    • Download Lesson Guide - The 5 Drivers™ Waypoints

    • Download Lesson Guide - The 5 Drivers™ When

    • Video Lesson 11: The 5 Drivers™ Waypoints and When

  • 07

    Chapter # 6: Pulling Your Strategic MAP™ Together

    • Download Lesson Guide - Your Strategic MAP

    • Download Lesson Guide - Pulling Your Strategic MAP™ Together

    • Video Lesson 12: Pulling Your Strategic MAP™ Together

  • 08

    Chapter #7: Making the Most of Your Plan

    • Download Lesson Guide: Making the Most of Your Plan

    • You're almost done! Here's what's next...

  • 09

    BONUS! Panel Discussion

    • BONUS! Panel Discssion

  • 10

    BONUS! FREE Consultation

    • DON'T MISS Your FREE 45-minute coaching session!

  • 11

    BONUS! Audio on the Go

    • Bonus Audio: Understanding the 5 Drivers™

You will also get these bonuses:

  • Panel Discussion with Business Builders

    Learn from those who have already done it! Be inspired by business owners Eric Glymph, Kay Congdon, Jennifer Perrow and Kathy Roman.

  • A 1-Hour Private Session with a Certified Micro to Millions™ Coach (a $750 value)

    You and your personal coach will work together to implement the principles you learned and to address your particular challenges and goals.

  • Audio on the Go

    Forget the news! Stay inspired on-the-go with this audio overview of the 5 Drivers™ to building a better business--and a better life!

Jim Roman

Build a Better Business. Build a Better Life. ℠

Jim Roman is a speaker, trainer and coach who builds better businesses that build better lives. For more than 20 years, Jim has studied what causes small businesses to fail and what empowers them to succeed; over and over he has seen that too many small business owners and professionals don’t know what they don’t know—and that schools don’t teach what they need. He developed his Micro to Millions™ programs to serve as a hands-on MBA for the working businessperson. Jim’s online courses, small group classes and one-on-one customized coaching programs are tools-based, results-oriented and effective for all types of learners.

Jim Roman

Director of Results

Learn How to Build a Game-Changing Strategic Plan

Plan Your Year to Grow Your Business

You know planning is important, but if you’re like a lot of small business owners, you’re too busy working IN your business to work ON it.
Sign on busy street